Creating Renewable Energy
This week I visited the Marion County Energy from Waste Facility in Brooks. The facility was constructed in 1987 and is operated by Covanta. All of our garbage is collected at this facility and used to produce up to 13 megawatts of renewable energy. Marion County is the only county in Oregon that has this type of facility. Every other county simply puts its garbage into landfills. I am proud that Marion County is such a leader in waste management.
Our county commission is currently negotiating a new contract with the facility and I look forward to this facility serving our waste management needs for many years to come.
Now that April is upon us the campaign is ramping up in earnest. The polling shows us in the lead, but we need to raise an additional $10,000 by election day on May 15th to finish strong.
We need to design video advertisements, mail pieces and online media to get our message out to voters here in Marion County.
Will you chip in and help me win this election?
Thank you so much for your loyal support for our campaign.