Colm Willis

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Supporting Our Local Economy

I have recently been endorsed by the Salem Chamber of Commerce. I am grateful to be recognized and supported by such an important representative of the small businesses that make our county strong.

Helping Workers and Small Businesses Succeed Together

Marion County is home to smart, talented, and incredibly hard-working people. County Government should do everything it can to provide excellent, essential services for our citizens but after that, we should get out of the way. This means reducing onerous regulations, speeding up the permitting process so that businesses can grow, and provide every opportunity for family wage jobs right here in Marion County.

Another key component to a thriving, 21st century economy is job-readiness. One of the best returns on investment here in Marion County has been the Career Technical Education Center (CTEC) in Salem. It provides hands on experience for a multitude of skill-based career fields such as welding, construction and manufacturing. As your next Marion County Commissioner, I will work to forge more public-private parternships to continue strategic investments in our workforce.

God bless,

-- Colm